My 2023 Workplace Culture Prediction

Fostering flexibility and belonging will create a thriving workplace culture.
Like a 500-hour trained yogi, utmost flexibility will be demanded by the workforce in 2023.
With technological advances the age of “work from anywhere” is here to stay as the flexibility it affords is very appealing to employees. Organizations that want to retain great people will be amenable to providing this flexibility, however with remote and hybrid work comes a reduced sense of belonging for employees.
The last few years have seen the rise of company wellness programs, yet most lack focus on a critical component of human well-being: social connections. This year, to strengthen community in remote and hybrid environments and create a sense of belonging, expect to see an increase in efforts to foster social connections.
Optional offerings like company sports teams, musical bands, and book clubs will provide a much-needed outlet for employees who are working remotely, to meet weekly or monthly in-person for fun social engagement. And we will see an increase in playful virtual events like escape rooms and game shows enabling geographically diverse teams to connect for some laughs. All of these will help cultivate connection which will enhance the sense of belonging, improving retention, and engagement.
In short, hybrid workplaces will become more prevalent and companies who care deeply about their people and want to have a thriving workplace culture will provide flexibility for their employees while also creatively offering social opportunities in order to foster a sense of community and belonging.
It pays to play.